Big 5 Personality Test

Big 5 Personality Test
The best Big 5 Personality Test in the world!
Start understanding yourself better and how others may perceive you, with this research-backed, online personality assessment.
This assessment looks at the five major personality traits contained in a regular five-factor (Big Five) test, through breaking them down into further sub-traits which offers a more useful and insightful look at the key aspects of personality.
Openness To Experience
Curiosity & Creativity
Industriousness & Organisation
Warmth & Assertiveness
Compassion & Consideration
Stability & Confidence
Our assessments are easy to complete and take approximately 10-15 minutes from start to finish.
It is important that you take the assessment whilst you are in a neutral frame of mind to avoid your answers being skewed by your feelings at the time of answering.
You will be shown a range of statements and asked to rank each statement according to how well it describes you! It’s important that you rank these statements on how you really are, not how you would like to be described.
Your results will be shown to you in a report with your scores and insights - in an easy to digest format.
Your scores are ranked against a large control group, so, that the results are shaped by a meaningful comparison with others.
Share your traits with your friends and family on social media and shout about you being you!
Our market-leading personality assessment comes with:
- A bespoke and extra detailed online Big 5 personality assessment
- Accessible and personalised trait-by-trait report based on your results
- Mobile social sharing scorecards
If I order more than one test, how do the others take theirs?
An email is sent once your order is placed with unique links to access your assessments.
How do I get the social sharing widgets?
Our social sharing widgets are provided on mobile devices, in the report after you have taken your assessment. Simply hit share to send your results to social media and compare with your friends and family.
How long is the test?
The test takes approximately between 10-15 minutes to complete. Try and take your test when you have time to answer the questions without a time constraint to provide the most accurate response.
What will I learn from my test report?
Your test report breaks down each personality trait, giving insight and feedback around what your score is likely to mean in context of a given situation and how others may interpret you as a result.
Why is the test not free?
We have a team of chartered psychologists and data-scientists who create research-backed assessments for us. We offer an engaging, insightful assessment and report experience so we believe in the value that it provides. There are free versions of the Big 5 assessment online, our assessment and the report outputs generated from it are bespoke to us.
How is the Big Five assessment different from other types of tests?
The Big Five or five-factor model is widely accepted as a credible and valid method of assessing personality traits. Unlike other kinds of personality tests, that give a fixed output, Big Five works on a sliding scale model. No one, for example, is completely an introvert or an extrovert, however, you are likely to have more and less prominent traits.
Is the personality test accurate
The Big 5 or five-factor model of personality, is a scientifically validated and reliable psychological model. Our assessments are created and reviewed by chartered psychologists with a specialism in personality and psychometric testing.
The answers you give will dictate the accuracy of your results, try to answer how you are rather than how you would like to be perceived.
What do you mean by strengths and weaknesses?
Personality sits on a sliding scale, which means that everybody is capable of exhibiting characteristics of most traits, to different degrees, in certain situations - some aspects of your personality will likely just have more or less appropriate contexts depending on how strong they are.
We define strength as a very prominent trait, based on your assessment results. A weakness is defined as a less prominent trait, based on your assessment results.
What does this test measure?
This test measures the big five personality traits, which are:
Why would you take a personality test?
Understanding your personality traits better can be a powerful insight and tool, to allow you to connect with others easier and more effectively - at work, home and in your personal life.
If you put fake answers what happens?
If you answer the assessment trying to game or manipulate the system, the output won't be valid. Our system has gaming rules and checks in place for this.
Scoring questions intentionally wrongly to prove or disprove a certain output is not indicative that the assessment isn't valid.